It’s the only clinically studied treatment proven to reverse ED long-term.
Leading medical communities worldwide view it as a potential cure, offering lasting improvement without medications or devices.
Enjoy renewed sexual spontaneity, harder erections, and a better sex life.
Experience the Benefits of Focused Shockwave Therapy:
Shockwave Therapy is the newest treatment option for erectile dysfunction, offering the potential to enhance natural erections and even cure ED in some patients.
Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-intensity focused shockwaves to disintegrate micro plaque in vessels, stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and nerves, and boost stem cell activity.
This enhances blood supply, repairs smooth muscle, and supports tissue remodelling and re-innervation.
The procedure involves applying low-level shockwaves with a handheld device on the penis shaft.
Shockwave is a non-invasive sophisticated therapy using specific low intensity focused shockwaves.
Applied to the penis, breaks up the micro-plaque in existing vessels and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, nerves, improving blood supply, inducing body repair of smooth muscle in the penis, tissue remodeling and re-innervation helping man.
A hand-held device is placed on the shaft of the penis and a series of low-level shock waves are administered.
ED – Erectile Dysfunction:
In ED treatment with Shockwave Therapy, low-intensity shockwaves are applied to specific zones on the penis and perineum.
IPP – Induratio Penis Plastica | Peyronie’s Disease
As the disease progresses, pain and penile curvature can make intercourse difficult. IPP treatment uses extracorporeal shockwaves on pain points in the penis.
CPPS – Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Some patients with ED undergo Shockwave Therapy using a perineal approach to treat the prostate and pelvic floor.
ED – Erectile Dysfunction
ED is a common age-related sexual dysfunction where men struggle to achieve or maintain sufficient erections. Most ED cases are due to vascular issues.
IPP – Induratio Penis Plastica | Peyronie’s Disease
It is a progressive condition of the penis characterized by thickened nodules (plaques) under the skin, often noticed by men after onset.
CPPS – Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
It involves pelvic floor pain and urinary issues without urinary tract infection evidence.
This procedure is ideal for men with moderate to severe erectile dysfunction who:
There is no Shockwave treatment administered. If you have indication for the treatment and want to proceed with Shockwave you will be able to choose between our single session or full protocol.
This includes initial consultation for single session of Shockwave, is a great way to experience how the treatment works, we strong advise full protocol which you can decide to proceed with after the single session
This is a six session package. In our experience the number of sessions will depend on the severity of your condition.
Shockwave is a non-invasive sophisticated therapy using specific low intensity focused shockwaves. Applied to the penis, breaks up the micro-plaque in existing vessels and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, nerves, improving blood supply, inducing body repair of smooth muscle in the penis, tissue remodeling and re-innervation helping man. A hand-held device is placed on the shaft of the penis and a series of low-level shock waves are administered.
ED is caused by various vascular, neuronal, hormonal and metabolic factors, mediated by endothelial and smooth-muscle dysfunction .Previous diseases may lead to ED. Likewise some prescription or other drugs might be a chemical cause.
More than 80% of cases of ED are caused by physical factors:
Peyronie’s Disease, also known as Induration Penis Plastica, is a potentially progressive disease resulting in a penile curvature abnormality.
In most cases, men suffering will present with formation of fibrous plaques in the tunica albuginea that can lead to penile deformities during erection such as curvature, shortening, indentations or an hour-glass deformity that may be complicated by painful erections and a variable degree of erectile dysfunction.
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome CPPS is also known as Male Pelvic Pain or Chronic Prostatitis?
CPPS, Male Pelvic pain and CP are non malignant pain that is perceived in structures related to the pelvis and lower abdomen and may be associated with urinary, bowel or sexual symptoms. There may also be associated negative cognitive behavioral, emotional consequences.
The most common symptom is pain or discomfort in one or multiple urogenital regions including the:
Perineum (the area between the anus and the scrotum)
Suprapubic region (the area above the pubic hair)
Penis (especially penile tip pain)
Lower back, abdomen or rectum
Low-intensity focused shockwave rejuvenates the erection mechanism and delays or prevents the deterioration of ED.
After the first few sessions (3-6), most men start noticing the improvement in the quality of their erections as well as better morning erections, better sexual function, better penile arterial improvement in eco-dopler test which indicate rejuvenation and also prevention of deterioration of ED symptoms.
Patients with mild to moderate ED that respond well to PDE-5 inhibitors might be able to regain their natural erections and no longer need – or reduce their dependence on medication.
Patients with moderate to severe ED that do not respond to PDE-5 medication and rely on injections or other topical treatments may become more respondent to PDE-5 medication after shockwave therapy.
Shockwave therapy will in most cases improve the outcomes of any other treatment modality.
A high percentage of men’s with symptoms of CPPS /Male Pelvic Pain / CP don’t have one clear cause of their symptoms. Diagnosis is usually made with of application questionnaires, physical examination, blood test and ultrasound test.
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed solid organ malignancy in men. For early localized prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy (RP) using either open or robotic/laparoscopic techniques are widely employed as a first-line treatment option.
Oral medication such as PDE-5 inhibitors are widely used however we must differentiate between treating erectile dysfunction causes a as opposed to treating the underlying symptoms, the former leading to more permanent results.
Treatment options include:
If you would like to get in touch, please feel free to contact us. We will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
98 Churchtown Road Lower
Churchtown Lower
Dublin 14